Preston is 11 months old today!!!!

About 22lbs
Still tall.
Size 4 diapers
Size 12 mo clothes except still can wear size 6 mo. pants (his height is ALL torso)
Size 3-4 Shoes
Hair: RED
Eyes: Brown/Hazel/Grey/Golden
FUN THINGS ABOUT PRESTON AT 11 MONTHS:*Has 2 bottom teeth, and it looks like Christmas has come early because his 2 front teeth have just broken through!
*LOVES peek-a-boo. He will play peek-a-boo anytime with anything. Even if he doesn't have anything to cover his face with he will hold his hands up as if he is holding something over his face then bring them down. He also will hide his face on things like the floor, the slide, basically anything to play peek-a-boo.
*Has recently discovered that he can sing and dance and shows off his moves in church while standing up in the pew and dancing during the songs.
*He has become a really really picky eater and I'm NOT happy about it. He refuses to eat baby food anymore, but doesn't want regular grown up food. Mostly he wants snacks such as fig newtons, crackers, yogurt melts, and bread. There are some foods he does love, like pancakes, yogurt, grilled cheese sandwiches, lunch meat, mac & cheese and quesadillas. If anyone has ANY suggestions on what I can do to get him to eat, PLEASE advise.
*If we're not looking at him he'll try to get our attention by standing on his own & putting his arms in the air.
*Loves to clap and say "yaay" while doing it. Only it doesn't sound like yay when he says it.
*Is obsessed with pulling things down. He'll empty out our dvd case just because he can, not because he likes the noise. Same goes with the books on this bookshelf. He'll just walk across and pull them all off.
*Still working on walking. He'll hold on with one hand and walk when he's in a good mood.
*If he's in the right mood he'll mimic your voice or sounds that you make. He has a voice he uses when he's imitating me, which is called his "mommy voice". It's very high pitched. He gets in moods where he'll just scream as loud as he can just to hear his voice.
I don't think we could love Preston more then we already do. 11 months later and we're still obsessed with him. Every stage becomes our favorite stage, and everyday he makes us laugh. He's just a really happy baby who is extremely adorable :D