Guess who's 5 months old today?!!
He's getting so big!!!
Also, he's kind of a stud in this church outfit even if he did spit up on it 2 minutes after I put it on.
Some things about Preston at 5 months:
*Out of the solid foods he has tried (rice cereal, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas) he loves the sweet potatoes the best.
*He loves to go on walks. Every morning when we go on our walk he looks around at the tree's and it's like he's seeing them for the first time.
*He LOVES when his Daddy comes home from work, and will spend a majority of the evening staring and smiling at him.
*He loves to be tipped backwards, or be held upside down (for a few seconds).
*He loves to be held up in the air and pretend he's an airplane, or Ironman. Today he's been squealing whenever we do it.
*He hasn't quite gotten the hang of sitting up on his own. It's probably going to be taking him a little while longer. He does have a pretty large head to hold up.
*Standing is a different story. He LOVES to stand. He's got great balance when it comes to standing. He can even stand and balance himself on something, like the couch
*Everything goes into his mouth. It's his daily goal to try to put his entire fist in his mouth. Sometimes both fists.
*He's going through a bit of a social/separation anxiety phase. At least I hope its a phase. When we've been in large groups of loud people he screams his "I'm scared" scream, gets his frowny face and cries huge tears. I don't know how to break him of this, but I don't like it one bit!
He's still adorable.
I can't believe he's 5 months!!