Soooooo.... What your saying is you don't like grass. . .

Dear Friends, Family and Fans of Preston365:
Preston and I are going out of town Sunday and will return Thursday evening.
I will be taking lots of pictures, but will probably not post them till we return.
In the mean time in order to get your Preston fix, I suggest going back and looking at all his old pictures to see how much he's grown!
We will miss you all & look forward to sharing our stories and pictures soon :D
Jessica & Preston
Preston and I are going out of town Sunday and will return Thursday evening.
I will be taking lots of pictures, but will probably not post them till we return.
In the mean time in order to get your Preston fix, I suggest going back and looking at all his old pictures to see how much he's grown!
We will miss you all & look forward to sharing our stories and pictures soon :D
Jessica & Preston