Prestons Ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, October 18, 2010

Preston had his 9 month checkup today!!
Here are his stats:
Height: 29 inches (75%)
Weight: 20.3lbs (50%)
Head Circumference: 47cm (90%)

The doctor said he's perfect & that he has a great personality. It's true.
He also said Preston's head shape is great & we no longer need to worry about that at all. He gave us a prescription to try for his reflux problem. 3-4 hrs after he's eaten he'll spit up. Not a lot, but enough to ruin unsuspecting white shirts. So we'll try it for a month and see how it goes. He said not to worry about his scoot/crawl that he does where he keeps one leg completely straight & doesn't use it to move around because he's so far advanced with pulling himself up on EVERYTHING that there is nothing developmentally to worry about. Translation- my baby is a genius. Only 1 shot today, 1/2 of the flu vaccine. They give it in 2 dose so next month we'll get him the other half. Also we can continue to incorporate solid foods into Preston's diet such as waffles, eggs, pancakes, bran flakes (fiber is our friend) and raisins. They ran a test to see how his Iron levels are, and the results came back "extremely good". Of course they did! Everything about this kid is extremely good!!


* Has 2 bottom teeth and no signs of any top teeth.

* LOVES to be around other little kids and to play with them and watch them. There was a baby in front of us at church on Sunday and he spent most of the time trying to climb over the pew to get closer to her.

* Breakfast is his favorite meal, but whenever he is in the highchair and excited to eat something he will start kicking his feet. In an opposite manor when he doesn't want to eat something he will close his eyes and turn his head to the side and push it up as far as it will go.

* He is a daredevil. He has no fears about going straight over the side of the couch or bed. He still loves to be upside down and thinks its funny when you swing him by his feet upside down.

* Can climb all the way up to the top of the stairs. Can also climb all the way up the small indoor slide that we have.

* Whenever he is trying to pick up something small or is concentrating hard he makes a deep continuous grunting noise. He is learning all kinds of new sounds. Lately he makes the "Ba" sound a lot and is working on his "dada" and "mama" sounds.

*Loves to have you hold his hands so he can walk. Like I mentioned he pulls himself up on everything, and is learning to bend down from a standing position to pick things up and then return to standing.


Jen said...

what a perfect little guy you have!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course he's not afraid of stuff...he's Jack-Jack!

Krissa said...

serious genius... totally agree with that...

what if he never gets top teeth... that would be pretty cool!!!!

unsuspecting white shirts indeed... learned my lesson. i threw out all my white shirts... haha... kidding...

love your baby!!! ... but can you tell him to slow down his growth please... i like to still hold him and soon enough i wont be able too.. well, more like he wont let me ...

JIMMY said...

Pretty sure he got all those good stats from me.

David and Natalie Reheis said...

What?! Who is this girl Preston is trying to get closer to?!?! Rylie will not be happy.