Prestons Ticker

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This little scene happens around our house probably about 2-3 times a day.
I hope he never loses his love for vacuuming.

I should add that he begs and pleads and cries for me to get out the vacuum, will help me push it out of the laundry room & unwrap the chord, but the second I turn it on he is in the other room peering around the corner like he's scared of it. Then he'll help me empty it out, wrap up the chord, push it back into the laundry room & cry when we leave and shut the door leaving the vacuum behind. It's odd.


Anonymous said...

Love it! What a goof.

Krissa said...

hahahaha.... thats not funny... at least he is a good helper... i hate winding up the cord... worst part!